Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Impressive Results!

Where do we start? Everyone from our Peter's Canyon Group rocked! The weather was perfect and everyone turned in a remarkable results.

A few of us left home with some extra goodies :) This week come prepared to run a few hills the schedule has us down for 30 but lets do 45min... next week we have another time trial run. So this week workout will get you ready.  Yes the honeymoon is over. xoxo see everyone at 6pm.

This past weekend we had quite the adventure in Big Bear. This is a must do event for everyone next year. Every year it sells out. Our Very own Sue celebrated her birthday with us. Happy Birthday!
For Sue's Birthday we were able to go on a zipline tour. This was an amazing experience!

Btw not only it was Sue's Birthday but it was also National Get Outdoors Day :) so we played.
After our group dinner we still had a race to run. We all meet at 6:45am to head to the start. The weather was perfect!
Karen had been sick for a few weeks but decided to make the best of it. Ann is just on Fire! After a her first half marathon at Laguna Hills, and Peters Canyon, she pulled off her first long distance trail race. Awesome Job...
Our own Elizabeth was fresh from here Mud bath last week in Camp Pendleton- she ran a great race that was mostly uphill :) great job chica. Both Sue and I were playing cat and mouse along the trail up until the second aid station. I think she earned a new nickname Sue-minator- I tried to shake her on the uphill but she was always there within 1min... okay I had half of a beer at aid station 2 :)
Everyone had a positive experience at Holcomb Valley Trail run. I hope more of you can join us next year. This weekend is Fathers Day so enjoy the time with family. We will be starting our longer trail runs in a few weeks for Mt. Disapointment, Nobel Canyon etc... if you are interested please respond to this email.

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