Monday, March 21, 2011

Fun filled running weekend!

Another fun filled running weekend! We explored some new trails due to the rain on Saturday with the Chili Group. Got a bit lost and ended up on a game trail, but recovered and found our way back to where we need to be. A little initiation for our new member Lisa! :) You guys did awesome!

This weekend is Into The Wild in Irvine Regional Park. The 10k starts at 7:30, and the 21k starts at 7am. Please give yourselves enough time to get there, and get your packet pickup and be ready. Remember, we will have a booth, so you can find us easily and keep your stuff there as well.
Let me know if we can have anything else there that you need.

Leona group! WOW, you guys are really doing awesome! You have been going going going now for what seems like months. Its time for a break, and this week is a rest week, so relax...get a massage...take a nice break and really pamper yourselves, and take care of your bodies. Its time to eat lots of antioxidants, and green tea as to not get sick. We will be ramping back up again in a week, so enjoy! We would love for you to be at Into The Wild as well, the 21k is calling your name. Remember the discount code... "OCTRAIL" If you are going to do it, awesome, just remember nice and easy day. :)

Thought you guys would enjoy this as well...

Have a great week everyone!

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