Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Much needed Rain

Mother nature has put a damper on things this week as far as running went, but it was nice to have the much needed rain for our trails so we can have beautiful wildflowers in the spring time. :)

I am really impressed with how well everyone is doing and what you have all accomplished in such a short time. Really well done! For our very new members, and runners, you guys are knocking it out of the park by coming to the runs, track, even doing awesome on the trails! Our veterans, you guys are taking it to new heights as well with pr's, cross training, new goals you are establishing for your selves. Awesome job you guys. It makes a mama duck proud. :)

I have to say a big thank you to Road Runner Sports, Edge Cycle Sports, Powerade, TriSlide, Jill and Dr Tarjoman, Xterra, Renegade, and OC Chili Running Series for helping us along and being a great support. Dr. Tarjoman's office has a great offer for our students as well..

Dr Tarjoman &; Danielle have agreed to offer you this 'Valentine's month' special of $99
for a first time client of this office -even past the exp time in this email.
Also as is offered on their web site www.tarjomanchiropractic.com
- to see Jill for the first time is $49.

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